The Greek tragedy of the Athenian hero and the half man – half bull monster is the setting for two projects aimed at improving teaching and clinical performance.
THESEUS is a Best Practice at Rutgers-RWJMS that aims to enhance residents’ teaching of medical students. Our project complies with the ACGME Core Competencies including practice-based learning and improvement: facilitation of medical student learning and education, and builds on evidence-based data that teaching efforts improve by using a contingency of rewards. In THESEUS, we set up our system of rewards in a fantasy football format, and our Novel Fantasy League (NFL) runs throughout the academic year.
The MINOTAUR is an on-line, evidence-based reference for medication interactions. Through the use of acronyms and visual mnemonics, users of MINOTAUR demonstrated greater retention of drug information compared to those who referenced other clinical tools.
THESEUS Resources:
Article: Teaching Housestaff to Enhance Student Education With the Use of Fantasy Sports (THESEUS) by Anthony Tobia, M.D., Snehal Bhatt, M.D. Heather Grigo, M.D., Maria Katsamanis, Psy.D.
Poster: Teaching Housestaff to Enhance Student Education with the Use of fantasy Sports” (THESEUS)
MINOTAUR Resources:
Poster: Psychopharmacology Interactive Training Algorithm